Think And Aim Big

Ready to Achieve Success Beyond Your Wildest Dreams?

This guide will walk you through how to think and aim BIG in every area of your life!

Claim Your Free Guide: Learning to Think and Aim Big: Achieve Success Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

Learning to Think and Aim Big: Achieve Success Beyond Your Wildest DreamsFrom: Michael Camire
Subject: Achieve Success Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

Dear Dreamer,

When you think of success, do you envision oodles of money, a mansion, and a fancy sports car? Those items are great, but what about a deeper sense of success Ð a success beyond your wildest dreams?

If youÕre like most readers of internet articles, websites and blogs, youÕve probably heard some success stories where ordinary folks like yourself have gone from rags to riches scenarios. However, and more importantly, there are even better stories out there. Like the stories of entrepreneurs and business people leaving their corporate world to go and sell ice cream somewhere in the Caribbean. They, too, are abundantly happy and successful.

The bottom line is that success is what you say it is. So how do you define your own success?

Sign up for this free guideÊ(you can download it instantly) and discover:

What makes up the definition of success

How to define what success means for you and only you

Learn how to succeed in each of the 7 categories of life

Incorporating momentum into your daily life to keep the success going

Methods to create successful habits for yourself

If you aren’t thinking and aiming big in all areas of your life…then you are missing out!

Claim Your Free Access to “Learning to Think and Aim Big: Achieve Success Beyond Your Wildest DreamsÓ

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If you’re ready for the success you always wanted, grab this free guide right now. Just enter your first name and email address above and get the help you need.

Here’s to Your Amazing Success,
Michael Camire
Entrepreneur, Coach, Mentor

Copyright © All Rights Reserved.
1013 S Memorial Dr, Prattville, AL 36067
Phone Number: 334-328-2065, Skype: pratbirdman.

Are You Using Google Ads?

Many people hesitate using Google Ads because of the unknown and it can get expensive if not set up correctly. Last week, I did some research and found that the key is the campaign type you use. Many use the campaign type of “search”, which will eat you your budget quickly.

My new campaign for Now Lifestyle is using campaign type of “display”. Here is Google”s definition Display Network:

A group of more than 2 million websites, videos, and apps where your ads can appear.

Display Network sites reach over 90% of Internet users worldwide*. With the Display Network, you can use targeting to show your ads in particular contexts (like “outdoor lifestyles” or “”), to particular audiences(like “young moms” or “people shopping for a new sedan”), in particular locations, and more. *Source: Comscore
To get more information and learn how Google Display Network works, go to

Mike Ncube is a Google Ads Expert with over 11 years experience and blogs regularly at He is also Founder & CEO of, a Google Premier Partner Agency.

His article, “7 Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Google Ads” covers the following topics and I highly recommend that you read this if your considering using Google Ads or just want to learn more:

  • How Much Should We Spend?
  • What Keywords Should We Bid On?
  • When Should We Run Our Ads?
  • How Do We Setup Our Ads?
  • Where Will Our Ads Appear?
  • Should We Hire a Google Ads Expert?
  • How Can We Beat Our Competitors?

In Summary, with the changes in Google Ads, do you homework and reconsider using them to promote your products and do it smartly.

Thanks for reading,
Michael Camire
Skype: pratbirdman

Writing Tips To Improve Your Articles in 2019

“Article Writing Tips to Improve Your SEO in 2019”, by Matthew Smith. he provides and explains tips to help improve your SEO in 2019.

Each day I spend time looking for and reading information on how I can increase my ability to writing great content and providing informative and helpful information to my readers that will help them also.

This morning I came across an informative article written by Matthew Smith. In his article, “Article Writing Tips to Improve Your SEO in 2019”, he provides and explains tips for the following:

— Focus on User Experience – Intent Is Key!

— Harness User Intent for Value Generating Content
— Incorporate Long-Tail Keywords
— Use Short/Mobile-Friendly Sentences
— Rely on an Active Voice
— Expand Content Using Links

Read the full article here.

— Michael Camire

Benefits Of Article Advertising Or Article Marketing

Article advertising or article marketing can be the key to not only making money but having a successful business. If you have a product or service that you are trying to promote then one of the best and most cost effective ways is by using article advertising.

Article advertising is a type of marketing effort in which you write short articles, about 400-600 words, related to the product or service you wish to promote. If they are well written they will, after getting distributed to various online article directories that will be easily found on search engines and read by people interested in what you have to offer.

In article advertising, well written article will be constructed in such a way that it has strategic placements of keywords and keyword phrases used by those who are searching for what you have to offer. This will make your article easily found by search engines and can help get you noticed earlier by future consumers.

Some of the benefits of article advertising are:

1) It is a great way to gain respect in the niche you are trying to reach. If they see your well written and informative article they will see you as an authority. The more that you have written about a certain area, the more trusted you will be and the more likely they will be to buy what you offer.

2) It is very cost effective. If you write the article yourself it will only cost you the amount of time and energy you put into researching and writing the subject. If you can’t write well, you can easily find those who are able to write for you who are affordable and will let you put your name on it, aka, ghostwriters. These are many times very affordable, though you need to make sure that they are able to give you unique content and are native speakers in the language you are trying to market in.

3) Links are also a great benefit to article advertising. Your well written article will have a link back to your website and will also have a resource box with a strong call to action. This will invite those reading the article to go to your site to find out more about what you have to offer. This will also help your search engine ranking.

4) It helps you reach a much larger target audience than you otherwise would have. Those who are really interested in what you are offering will be the ones who read your article. You won’t be putting your marketing efforts in front of people who may or may not care about what you have to offer. It will be read by people who are truly interested in what you are doing and are also very likely to buy what you are selling.

Article marketing or article advertising is a great way to get attention to your products or services, if it is used correctly. Take some time to learn how to do it the right way or find a good ghost writer to do the work for you and you will find customers who are not only willing to buy from you, but trust that you are going to meet their needs and may come back to you for other purchases. Done correctly, article advertising can help you climb to the top and make you a success.

To Your Success,

Michael Camire